Jurnal Rujukan :

  • Chen, Y.S., Tawan, C.S., Paulus, A.D. and Sim, S.L. (2012). Artificial pollination on pepper (Piper nigrum L.): Development of “Rules of Applicability Analysis on Self-Pollination Elimination Techniques” to ensure reliability of the techniques used in prevention of self-pollination. Journal of World Applied Science (Pending).
  • Chen, Y.S., Tawan, C.S., Paulus, A.D. and Sim, S.L. (2012). A study on pollen viability of Piper colubrinum Link. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 2: 1177-1183.
  • Chen, Y.S. and Kho, P.E. (2012). An innovative farming method: Ensuring high production of planting materials in pepper (Piper nigrum L.) plantation. Journal of Institution of Engineers Malaysia (Pending).
  • Lau, E.T., Hwang, S.S., Lily, E. and Paulus, A.D. (2012). Cloning and characterization of Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) from Piper nigrum L. cv. Semongok Aman and Piper colubrinum Link. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics 2(5): 342-348.
  • Yap, C.A. (2012). Determination of nutrient uptake characteristic of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology B 2: 1091-1099.
  • Yap, C.A. (2012). Impact of different fertilization methods on the soil, yield and growth performance of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Malaysian Journal of Soil Science 16: 90-97.
  • Yap, C.A. (2012). Rhizobacteria of pepper (Piper nigrum) and their antifungal activities. African Journal of Microbiology Research 6(13): 2137-2142.
  • Yap, C.A. (2012). Molecular and biochemical characterization of antifungal antibiotic of Bacillus species isolated from different pepper farms in Malaysia. IPC Journal (Pending).
Tatacara Persidangan:
  • Chen, Y.S. and Kho, P.E. (2012). An innovative farming method: Ensuring high production of planting materials in pepper (Piper nigrum L.) plantation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering for Life (Cafei2012). Palm Garden Hotel, Serdang, Kuala Lumpur, 26-28 November 2012. P. 70.
  • Brandon, Y.P.H., Hwang, S.S., Lau, E.T. and Lily, E. (2011). Molecular characterization of Resistance Gene Analogs (RGAs) from Piper colubrinum. Proceedings of the 9th Malaysia Genetics Congress (MGC9). Pullman Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, 28-30 September 2011. P. 82.
  • Chen Y.S., Paulus A.D., C.S. Tawan, Ng S.C. and Sim, S.L. (2009). Developing a method of interspecific hybridisation between black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) and P. colubrinum Link. Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics. UNIMAS, Kuching, Sarawak, 3-5 August 2009.
  • Chen Y.S., Paulus A.D., C.S. Tawan, Ng S.C. and Sim, S.L. (2009). Interspecific hybridization between Piper nigrum L. and P. colubrinum Link. Proceedings of the Research Officers' Progress Meeting. Department of Agriculture Sarawak, 18-19 November 2009.
  • Ho, W.S., Lau, E.T., Jafar, H.R., Sim, S.L. and Paulus, A.D. (2005). Evaluation of genetic relatedness among pepper (Piper nigrum L.) accessions using Direct Amplification of Minisatellite-Region DNA (DAMD). Proceedings of the 6th National Genetic Congress. pp. 299-302.

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